Writer’s For The Wild With
Dave and Craig
Next May the great Craig Childs and I will be in the shadow of the majestic 14,000-foot peaks of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains at the Zapata Ranch. You are invited to join us. We won’t be teaching, I hope, so much as leading an experience. I’ll post the official description below but the idea is to have a morning of generative writing (though we hope to include scientists and environmentalists and other folk as well as writers), hike some trails, watch some birds, dip in some cold water, and have vigorous salon-like discussions about the fate of the world (during cocktail hour).
This is the first of what I hope are a series of retreats we are calling Writers for the Wild.
The Program
This will be less a traditional workshop than a prod to thinking creatively about your own work and life. What do you want to do with yourself during your brief time on planet Earth?
Gessner is a professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where he is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the literary magazine, Ecotone. His own magazine publications include pieces in the New York Times Magazine, Outside, Sierra, Audubon, Orion, and many other magazines
Craig writes about cultural history, science, climate, nature, and the visceral experience of living on Earth. With more than a dozen published books, his subjects range from water in deserts to pre-Columbian migrations across the Southwest. His narrative nonfiction and journalism have appeared in The Atlantic, Men’s Journal, The Sun, The New York Times, NPR, Radiolab, and he is a contributing editor at Adventure Journal.